Friday, March 1, 2013

Dai2Wa, The Plane Ticket Agenda + Abe's War Diet

With arrival date confirmed (either the 25th or 26th of April) the search for the plane ticket begins! It looks like it's going to be a 1-stop trip, but that's all good. Any tips on plane tickets, please leave a comment!

And now, Prime Minister Abe's Diet Speech (No, not that kind of Diet.)

Can I just say, whatever issues you have with this guy, you have to admit it's kind of awesome how he very calmly, and quietly, warned against China not infringing on Japan. I love it. He's always been a cool head, and I really like him for that.

REMINDER: Any friends and family who want to donate to the cause of me being in Japan can gift me the money via paypal. (, and then as the e-mail address.) I'm trying to get a button put up so that the money transfer can be made easier. Thanks for all the support!

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