Thursday, February 28, 2013

Brave 1: Japan Blogging + Paypal Initiative

Hey all, as some of you may now, I recently booked a gig as an ALT in Japan. I will be leaving in April. Some of you know me as Matt Hunt, while others know me as Dukemon22, but however you know me, you know I've loved Japanese culture for a very long time; getting to work over there is nothing short of a dream come true, and this blog is going to be a handy tool for communication while I'm over there.

What can my family, friends and followers expect from the blog?

-Weekly updates of my Journey (including shopping for supplies, and just random thoughts.)

-Japanese News Discussion

-Some Vlog posts (probably more when I actually get there.)

If anyone would like to donate to the trip, I would be most thankful:

Donations can be made to through PayPal. (Embed link to come.)

The main purpose of this blog to have an easy method for my friends and family to keep up to date with my travels in a way that isn't me being a goof on facebook or twitter (This will of course, still happen.)

So please, follow the blog, and let me know your thoughts and suggestions for things to do in Japan!